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Please provide details of the specific reason why you wish to reschedule your academic programme. You should have a realistic opportunity of competing at senior international level in your sport within 18 months of commencing a stretch degree study mode, or be aiming for a specified major international event (e.g. World Student Games, European Championships, World Championships, Commonwealth Games or Olympics). 11. This request should be accompanied by a supporting statement. Normally this would come from the University Director of 91ɫƵ; if this isnt appropriate then please ask your NGB to complete the Supporting Statement and tick the box once its attached. (12. STUDENT DECLARATION I confirm that the above information is correct and fully understand the implications of my request to stretch this year of my programme. These could include those relating to reassessment and/or progression on to a further part of my degree programme. I also understand there could be financial implications in relation to support from my Local Authority and the Student Loans Company. I understand that undertaking a stretched degree alone will not normally be sufficient grounds for a claim for impaired performance at a later date. I understand that a stretched degree is a privilege and not a right and that the final decision rests with my academic department. Signature: Date: / /  Part Two To be completed by the 91ɫƵs Development Centre13. The 91ɫƵs Development Centre DOES / DOES NOT support this REQUEST (please circle as appropriate) Please note this is a request; the final decision remains with the academic department.14. Do you believe the athlete has a realistic chance to achieve the performance goals in Section 10? YES NO 15. To be completed by the University Head Coach Please provide comments/reasons for support of this application: 16. UNIVERSITY HEAD COACH DECLARATION I confirm that the above information is correct and that I have fully discussed the implications of a stretched degree with the student Print Name: Signature: Date: / / 17. To be completed by the Deputy Director of 91ɫƵ or designated nominee Please provide comments/reasons for support of this application: 18. DECLARATION by ...(insert job title) I confirm that the above information is correct and that I have fully discussed the implications of a stretched degree with the student and their coach Print Name: Signature: Date: / /  Part Three To be completed by the Academic Department19. The Department of DOES / DOES NOT support this application (please circle as appropriate)20. To be completed by the Students Personal Tutor Please provide comments / reasons for support of this application: 21. Proposed schedule of modules recommended by the Department:First Year of Stretch: Year 20 - 20 :Semester One Modules Credit WeightingSemester Two Modules Credit WeightingTotal Credit Weighting for Year One: Second Year of Stretch: Year 20 - 20 .Semester One Modules Credit WeightingSemester Two Modules Credit WeightingTotal Credit Weighting for Year Two:22. PERSONAL TUTORS DECLARATION I confirm that the above information is correct and that I have fully discussed the implications of a stretched degree with the student. Print Name: _______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____ / _____ / _____23. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT DECLARATION I confirm that the above information is correct Print Name: _______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____ / _____ / _____ Part Four Request for a Waiver of Programme Regulations A REQUEST FOR A WAIVER OF PROGRAMME REGULATIONS IS HEREBY SUBMITTED TO THE ACADEMIC REGISTRY (via SR&E Office) AND IS EFFECTIVE ONCE APPROVED BY THE RELEVANT AD(T) 24. ASSOCIATE DEAN OF TEACHINGS DECLARATION I confirm the above information is correct and formally request a waiver of regulations Print Name: _______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____ / _____ / _____ Part Five To be completed by SROAcademic Registry CommentsStudents record has been amended to split Part ____ of their programme across 20___ and 20___ Student is considered to be studying a full time programme on a part-time basis25. FACULTY CONTACTS DECLARATION I confirm that the above information is correct and relevant agencies (e.g. SLC) have been informed of changed circumstances. Print Name: _______________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____ / _____ / _____ Once this form has been completed please return to Student Records & Operations to allow the student record to be updated and keep a copy within the department. SRO to send a PDF copy to Simon Wombwell ( HYPERLINK "mailto:s.l.r.wombwell@lboro.ac.uk" s.l.r.wombwell@lboro.ac.uk), Performance 91ɫƵ, Education and Development Manager - once finalised.     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